Categories: Snacks

  • It’s What You Krave… To Coin A Phrase…

    As a kid I was never a fan of beef jerky.  To be fair, my exposure was mainly to Slim Jims, which I believe most would agree is hardly representative of jerky as a whole. When I entered the work force, a friend of mine exposed me to Jack Links beef jerky, which was much more flavorful.  Then again, in comparison to Slim Jims, that’s not all that hard.  I liked the KC Masterpiece flavors as well as the Chicken […]

  • I Respect You, Little Debbie

    Little Debbie is celebrating her 50th birthday this year. (I know. She looks great for her age. And she’s on Twitter!) Just to give you a bit of background, Little Debbie is a brand of McKee Foods, the company also responsible for the Sunbelt Oats & Honey Chewy Granola Bar (a treat so sweet and scrumptious, it shouldn’t even be called a granola bar). But it’s Little Debbie who’s the shining star of the McKee Foods family: she’s kept sugar lovers […]

  • Pecan Sandies, TBS and Popsicle Sticks

    I think I’ve been giving Pecan Sandies undue credit. See, I’ve always thought of Pecan Sandies as being delicously crumbly little bits of heavenly goodness… but a recent experience has left me questioning whether my tastebuds have been wearing blindfolds for the past two decades, or whether the good little elves at Keebler have changed up their recipe. (Do skyrocketing sugar prices exist in elf world, too?)

  • Coconut M&M’s Are So Last Summer… Or Are They?

    I’ve always been slightly behind the times. I’m typically the last person to hear a new song, for instance, and I’m almost always 1-5 years behind the crowd in terms of having the latest electronic gadgets. Hell, I just got an iPod 6 months ago. (Yes, just your basic, I-should-have-gotten-this-five-years-ago iPod. Pathetic.) Anyway, it’s just the way I am, and I’ve accepted it. But when I recently stumbled across a package of Coconut M&M’s while rushing into a deli on […]

  • Take 3 – A No-Named Snacking Experience

    Browsing the snack aisle at the local supermarket, I am always on the  lookout for a new snack experience.  While not necessarily out to bowl over the competition, Snyder’s of Hanover, makers of pretzels, have come out with Peanut Butter Pretzel Sandwich Dips – essentially, mini chocolate covered peanut butter pretzel sandwiches.